Thursday, November 24, 2011

This Thanksgiving, I'm thankful for stretchy stomachs.
Alright, I take that back; I'd probably be in much better shape physically if stomachs weren't stretchy. But as I type I'm sitting here about to fall asleep at the keyboard.
I'm thankful for a huge family to spend this day with; laughs all around the dining room table to share. I know many people are spending today alone.
I'm thankful for too much food. I've been blessed far beyond my wildest dreams and far beyond what I deserve, and that is only a small part of how lucky I am.
I'm thankful for a family that drives me crazy. :) We may have our ups and downs but I wouldn't be the girl of God I am today without them.
I'm thankful that my dear Air Force KGR is here, and not away in the Middle East. He originally would've been deployed to Afghanistan right now, but is sitting at our table here because of a knee surgery he had several weeks ago. Praise God for ripped tendons...
And I'm also thankful for the soldiers who aren't here. The brave men and women who are across the sea so we could all be together here. They make these occasions possible.
We have so, so much to be thankful for, and today shouldn't be the only day we remember that.
I'm also thankful for blogs. And Severus Snape GPSes. Those are fun.
Have a wonderful day guys,
A thankful Nightingale~

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